Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Old Portfolio: Concepts

Here's the rest of those D&D concepts I mentioned earlier. The only one missing is the bow because I can't crop the image and there's crap in the background that just makes it super obvious how ghetto improvised my situation is right now. Anyway, pictures!

Here's the weapon concepts previously posted. That ax handle was a real pain, for some reason.

One thing I wanted to convey with elves in this setting was a very warlike and tribal nature, but keeping the usual nature ties from the stock D&D elves. Personal pride is also something I wanted to incorporate into their rewritten culture. So, I decided to incorporate feathers, the fancier the more important the individual, and other trophies on weapons and armor. The trophies being personal and the great deal of visual variety that comes from decorative feathers additionally demonstrates the personal pride in each elven warrior.

Here's a better view of the helmets partially visible in the previous snapshot. Another feel I wanted to give elves in this setting was something both sophisticated but with a primitive side. So, rather than resorting to the usual elaborate armor design seen in D&D for something more inspired by ancient Greece and Rome. Again the feathers come back in the helmets. One thing that, you can probably tell, gives me trouble is perspective on the feathers as they are placed further down the back side of the helmet when viewed from the front.

Here's a quick sketch of a very basic elven long bow. Again, the feathers come in.

Just a full view of the adjacent pages.

This was a brief look at an NPC concept that I had floating in my head. Here we have Jazeps, kenku wizard summoner and his little homonculus familiar.

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